Family-Owned Businesses

We are ready to help you make decisions to help your business thrive.

The millions of small businesses that provide goods and services to consumers are the economic engine of the U.S. economy. We take special care of our small business owners. We understand budgets, cash flows, financial reporting, and especially tax strategies that are designed to keep your taxes to the lowest possible level. Our partners and senior team members are trained to consult with you to help you begin your business, operate it effectively, sell it when the time is right, or transfer your business to a future generation of entrepreneurs.

Bowman is proud to refer to family-owned businesses as our core clientele. We are always looking ahead to the future and anticipating the changes that are going to directly affect this area of our practice. Whether it is balancing tax issues with financial reporting, ensuring your business has effective internal controls, or providing a kind ear and experienced sounding board, we are ready to help you make decisions to help your business thrive.

We recognize that this sector is always impacted significantly by tax law changes, so we know the importance of being on the cutting edge of developments in Washington. We strongly believe in year-round tax planning for family-owned businesses, which allows you to be certain that you are taking full advantage of opportunities such as accelerated depreciation, research and development tax credits, captive insurance companies, and timing of income recognition. If you are preparing to transfer your business to a succeeding generation of family members, we can assist with that and provide referrals to attorneys in our network of colleagues who are experienced in facilitating a transfer on a tax-favored basis.

We are prepared to help your family business with:

  • minimizing income taxes through creative strategies
  • establishing strong financial controls
  • developing financial statements for management and bank use
  • valuing the business for sale or gifting opportunities
  • consulting with management to ensure that your business is operating effectively.

We realize that fees are always a concern of a growing business. Bowman team members consider the needs of each business by placing themselves in your position. Our goal is to ensure that the value you receive from your association with us clearly exceeds the cost of the services.

The personal nature of our business relationships gives us the advantage of knowing you and your business inside and out. Our goal is to be your trusted advisor, and bring our deep business background to work to facilitate your success.